Our singers

The chorus’s members include teachers, professors, nurses, executives, students, artists, activists, mothers, and grandmothers. We care deeply about our community and about each other. Our singers come from 24 communities in Orange County as well as communities in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and San Diego counties. We come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences but are bound by our love of choral music and the shared experience of creating it together. Our members also enjoy social gatherings and dinners out, and friendships flourish along with great music-making. Many of our singers joined us for our Carnegie Hall debut in June 2022.

Audition for the OCWC!

The OCWC will hold auditions for new singers in August 2025. Auditions for the 2025 – 2026 season are open to all female voice parts. Choral experience is preferred, and the ability to read music is required. If you love good music and spirited company, we encourage you to audition! Click here for a summary of frequently asked questions about auditions and the OCWC.

Auditions include vocalization, pitch-matching, and sight-reading exercises. Singers are asked to prepare a song to sing; this need not be a formal aria or art song, and need not be memorized, but should demonstrate vocal quality, technique, and musicality. The song should be unaccompanied; there will be no accompanist at the audition.

All auditions are by appointment only. To schedule an audition, please complete this audition form.

We rehearse on Tuesday evenings from 7:15 to 9:45 p.m. at Newport Harbor Lutheran Church at 798 Dover Drive in Newport Beach. We prepare two or three major programs per year, and smaller performances along the way. We collaborate with other arts organizations for community performances, and plan to tour approximately every three years.

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