
The Orange County Women’s Chorus is a proud member of the following organizations:

Chorus America

Chorus America

Chorus America is the advocacy, research, and leadership development organization that advances the choral field. Chorus America supports and serves choral conductors, administrators, board members, and singers with tools, training, peer networking, and access so that choruses are better able to contribute to their communities.

American Choral Directors' Association

American Choral Directors' Association

The American Choral Directors’ Association is a non-profit music education organization dedicated to the advancement of choral music. The mission of the ACDA is to inspire excellence in choral music through education, performance, composition, and advocacy.

Arts Orange County

Arts Orange County

Arts Orange County is the officially designated arts council for the County of Orange, California. Dedicated to the advancement of the arts within its local communities, ArtsOC is “the leader in building appreciation of, participation in, and support for the arts and arts education throughout Orange County.”



BoardSource is the recognized leader in nonprofit board leadership and supports, trains, and educates nonprofit leaders from across the country and throughout the world.

Association of Fundraising Professionals

Association of Fundraising Professionals

The Association of Fundraising Professionals empowers individuals and organizations to practice ethical fundraising through professional education, networking, research and advocacy. We are members of the global organization as well as the Orange County chapter.

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