Record Your Volunteer Hours

Every volunteer hour is important to us. You make a significant commitment to the OCWC, and your work allows us to bring our music to the community in an accessible and affordable way. Every year, volunteers contribute more than 1,000 hours to the OCWC. California estimates the current value of a volunteer hour at approximately $35, making your volunteer hours worth more than $35,000 annually. Please report your volunteer hours by completing the form below. We use this information to share your work with funders and to plan for our future. Check the list at the bottom of the page to see if your employer provides grants for your volunteer time!

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Turn Your Hours into Dollars for the OCWC

Did you know that many companies now offer a volunteer grant program? These companies offer generous grants to the nonprofit organizations for which their employees volunteer—sometimes a dollar amount per hour of volunteer time, sometimes a fixed amount for a specified number of hours. The companies listed below are just a few examples of those offering volunteer grant programs. Consult with your company’s HR department to see if your employer offers a volunteer grant program, and turn your hours into additional dollars for the OCWC!

  • Aetna
  • Allstate
  • Bank of America
  • Best Buy
  • Boeing
  • Dell
  • Google
  • JP Morgan Chase
  • Kohls
  • Microsoft
  • Starbucks
  • TimeWarner
  • Verizon
  • WalMart